The Bible Is Not A Book Of Assumptions!
March 20, 2024
The problem today hindering many from coming to full Biblical understanding is the teaching that the Word of God is to be taken allegorically, not literally. To the seasoned mature Christian using a KJVB can see the things God meant allegorically; like the bread representing the body of Christ. We do not eat (cannibalize Jesus body) rather, we understand that Jesus gave His body as a sacrifice for our Salvation. The bread is a representation of what Christs death did on the Cross. Allegorical belief teaches opposite, and this is not Biblically true.
God wrote His Word to be taken literally, and when we do (in the correct context) there is power. Satan has slanted truth from the very beginning using many false assumptions like he did in the garden. Research for yourself, and search while there is still time. The Scriptures expose the truth within its sixty six books (sealed) within our Bible. In a book that God wrote using 40 different men He gave His Spirit too; written over a 2000 year period. God wrote what He means, and means what He wrote. When you approach the Bible in that kind of faith be prepared, what you will learn will change your life because of its power to change YOU.
There is one thing that I love about the Bible, that’s it’s FREE from our assumptions. ❤️