God’s Blood Covering
The Light That Went Dark

All About Him


When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” (Matthew 16:13)

Most non-Christians have no idea that the entire Bible is about one Person, Jesus of Nazareth. It speaks of Him from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation. It tells us that He created all things, including the eyes you are using to see these words, the lungs that are breathing in the oxygen He created, to feed the brain that He made so you can process them (see John 1:1-3)

Of course, His name hasn’t always been Jesus of Nazareth. The Bible tells us that He is God the Son, eternally preexistent before incarnation, and is “the image of the invisible God” (Col 1:15). He created a body for Himself and became a Man to suffer and die for the sin of the world.

Consider how the New Testament exalts Jesus of Nazareth. It calls Him “Lord” nearly 250 times. He is the One to whom all humanity will one day bow the knee. He is also called the “Christ” well over 500 times. This is because “Christ” (“Messiah,” or anointed One) is a title rather than a name.

He is called “Son of Man” over 80 times, because He truly was a Man who had the ability to feel pain, experience thirst, and know the torment of fear. He is called “Son of God” more than 40 times, because He is truly God in human form, manifesting His authority over His creation by walking on water, stilling storms, healing disease, and conquering death.

There has never been anyone like Jesus of Nazareth. The New Testament tells about Him - who He is, and what He did for you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain in opening your heart to the living God. If in this life you refuse to humble yourself and bow the knee to Him as Savior so that your sins can be forgiven, you will bow the knee to Him as Lord on Judgement Day so that justice will be done. That will be a fearful thing…..with terrible eternal consequences.