Judging God Destroys Life
November 30, 2021
There once was a story about a young man who received a letter from a lawyer stating that his grandmother had left him an inheritance. To his astonishment, it was $100,000 plus the Bible from his grandmother, and all the things within its pages. Because he wasn’t into religion he didn’t bother to open his grandmother’s Bible instead, he put it on a high shelf and forgot about it.
He gambled the 100,000, and over the next fifty years he lived as a pauper, scraping for every meal. Finally he became so destitute, that he had to move in with relatives again, which became a cycle throughout his life.
Then one-day on his way to a nursing home because he could no longer take care of himself, as he was cleaning out his room, he spotted his grandmothers old Bible. He reached up to get the dusty old Book from the shelf and as he took it down, his trembling hands dropped it onto the floor, flinging it open to reveal a $100.00 bill between its pages. Staring at the book on the floor his eyes began to swell with tears as the message became clear in his rejection of God. For that which he sought in life had only been temporary.
For the man had chosen to live his whole life as a pauper because of his prejudice towards God. He never once gave God a chance nor cared to read His Word. Instead the man thought he knew what the Bible contained, and now in his rejection of God could see the great spiritual mistake he had made. It was then that his eyes were opened, and he was able to see that his grandmothers true treasure was found in the Word of God in the Bible. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21)
What his grandmother had left him became a legacy of truth that God used to teach him not only a great lesson, but helped him find his way to Christ at the end of his life.
In that moment the man asked God to forgive him, as he accepted Jesus (for the first time) into his heart.
He spent the rest of his life reading his grandmother’s old Bible, and giving away the treasure he found and learned within its pages until the Lord called him home. And before he passed he had shared that one of his greatest passages was:
“For I know the plans I have for you to give you a hope and a future.”
(Jeremiah 29:11)
Sadly, most people like the man in the story choose to live self-centered lives. They reject God and his plans for their lives which leads to a life of spiritual and physical poverty.
Do not wait until the end of your life to realize the truth, but ask God now, to open your eyes and your mind to understand what’s truth before it’s to late.
The laws of God are a supernatural mirror so that we can see our sins, without God’s Laws we remain blind to our sins, and our need for a savior. That is why Jesus, Immanuel, which means “God with us” came into our world to be that sacrifice, and to give us God’s Spirit that unlocks His Word for us to understand, and follow. See (John 3:16)
God says, “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
(Jeremiah 29:12-13)
The Bible says we shouldn’t lean on our own understanding. You cannot direct your path. You cannot live independent from your Creator. You cannot direct your own life, trying to do so will destroy your future like what happened to the man in the story. Fortunately, he had a praying grandmother who interceded for her grandson, and God answered her prayer at the perfect time to save his soul before he died.
We are all in the hands of God. He has a plan for all of us and a relationship with the Living God is nothing that you assume, so stop judging God, and humble yourself before it’s to late. Talk to God today and you will find him, and to understand that we need Him and his guidance more today than any other time in what’s happening throughout the world.
Praying that you make that connection because if you do, you will never be the same again nor will you see the world the same way. For Gods Spirit opens our eyes where we can spiritually “see.”
See 1 Corinthians 2, and Ephesians 4:18.