The Bible is all One story. The last Part of the Last Book in the Bible reads like the Close of the Story that began in the First Part of the First Book in the Bible. What I am about... Read more →
9 entries from October 2021
Every year on the last day of October, American children paint their faces, color their hair, Don gowns, capes and fuzzy suits, and go door-to-door collecting bags of candy. Their parents join them, visiting parties and high school haunted houses.... Read more →
In the Gospel of Mark Jesus says to his disciples: “Take heed that no one deceives you” (Mark 13:5) Today in our world deception seems to be running rampant. For if there were ever a time in the history of... Read more →
"Who can tell me where I came from?" The little boy would ask. His question was a good one, Yet he faced a trying task. Each man had different answers, As he was soon to learn. This brought him great... Read more →
As was my custom, I rose early that day to pay homage to the gods by prayers and burnt offerings. To which I vowed my obedience on that fateful morning. I cannot now remember. There were so many. Leaving the... Read more →