Wisdom Learned of Jesus's Childhood
September 21, 2015
My studies this morning in the Bible - in the book of Luke chapter 2, verses 22-52, had illuminated important lessons about Jesus's life after he was born. Things I had skimmed over in past times when reading this book over the years - that for some reason had put me into the story spiritually for the first time this morning. It was as if I were there in person - watching it all unfold. I love it when that happens, and amazingly, what I was shown moved me to understand on a deeper level a truth now seen in full clarity.
The story in Luke began after Jesus was born - when Joseph and Mary took Jesus to Jerusalem to be circumcised, and to be dedicated to the Father. (Luke 2:22,23) - "they brought him (Jesus) to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; as it is written in the Law of the Lord, Every male that opens the womb shall be called Holy to the Lord;."
Here we learn how God desires the first-born male child to be given/dedicated to Him by the parents. Something that is mentioned also in Exodus 13:2, that I believed to do for my first born son. That was over 34 years ago, during a time when I became a believer in Christ, and able for the first time understand the Bible. A young mom and baby Christian in a time when God opened my heart in a way that confirmed in clarity my need for His guidance and protection, and to receive The divine wisdom in how to raise my son in a world that is continually growing evil. I also believed that if Jesus came to show us the way, then everything relating to His life is for our learning and instruction too. And although I still do not fully understand the blessings given to the first born son dedicated to God, I believed enough to realize its great importance to do.
So on a sunny day on the Island of Oahu, in Hawaii; in a small church called the Nazarene, my baby boy was dedicated to God. And looking back to that time until today, I can clearly see God's hand of protection on him. And regardless of what happens in the world I know within my heart that God will work things out for good for those who love Him.
The next thing in the book of Luke that stood out when Jesus was dedicated at the Temple in Jerusalem, was an old man named Simeon, a just and devout believer, who prayed to see the consolation of Israel. Looking up the meaning of "consolation" in the dictionary, it says that it means: "the act of consoling;a source of comfort in the temple of suffering." And if there was ever a time in Israel, when they needed God's "comfort" was during that time.
Simeon had also been promised by God - that he would not die until he saw the Lords Christ, Luke 2:26. So when Simeon saw Mary holding the baby Jesus, he immediately knew who Jesus was and went over to take Jesus in his hands, and began prophesing about Him which amazed Joseph, and Mary. I can only imagine their thoughts when this old man took hold of their child and began to share with them divine knowledge from God.
Then after Simeon had finished, and went away praising God that an old widow - by the name of Anna, who fasted and prayed at the temple daily approached them. When she did her eyes got big in seeing the baby Jesus, and she began praising God for His faithfulness.
b She told them, "this child was the redemption to all in Jerusalem" (Luke 2:38).
We see how God gave to Simeon and Anna hidden knowledge of things hidden from the world. Things found in God's Word for those who love Him in sincere devotion, that are given divine insight that will always draws them to Jesus Christ. Which parallels exactly, what Simeon and Anna walked out for our learning. For everyone who comes to Christ must first, see Him to believe - who Jesus is, in a process directed only by God. Something I can confirm is my testimony, as I had always believed there was a God, but is wasn't until I asked God; that if He loved me and were alive, He would make himself known to me - "to show up" for me to see.
What happened from that moment began a process over months - that led me to His Son Jesus. By way of a woman I worked with in a job I got that came by way of a miracle. A woman I knew I had met not by coincidence, who would lead me to "see" Jesus, and share with me what I needed to do in order to connect with God, and receive His Holy Spirit.
From the moment I had asked Jesus to forgive my sins, and to come into my life and heart; from that moment, I can honestly confirm that my life has never been the same. In a journey of faith in getting to know The Lord - for God is not dead! To learn the truth to life which began with a simple prayer and an open heart. That began over 35 years ago today was in a journey with God in an adventure with Christ that continues to grow me spiritually, and fulfill the plans God has for my life. In a life I never need to figure out, nor challenge alone. For we were never meant to do life alone, but were given life so that we can choose to know God. For where you put your faith does matter, and will determine not only how your life is during life, but where you end up at its end.
The final and last thing in Luke I'd like to share is in seeing how Jesus grew spiritually, and received a wisdom beyond his years. In Luke 3:40 - "And the child grew, and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him".
Here we see the importance of being in God's Word - for in doing so, are we able to receive divine wisdom, and truth but more importantly, receive God's favor.
In Proverbs 3:4-6 it says:
"Then you will find favor with both God and people,and you will earn a good reputation. Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." (Prov 3:4-6)
Our relationship with God is to be how Jesus demonstrated by his example with The Father. For its then that intimacy with Christ can be experienced. I love John 14:23, where Jesus said, "All who love me will do what I say. My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with each of them."
Today we have Jesus to receive divine insight from, and those who remain consistent in being in the Word of God, and to serve others within The body of Christ will walk out a life with God that not only ministers to them personally, but others. The believer can then claim all that is seen in (Psalm 91). If you haven't read this Psalm 91, I encourage you too read it, and to see the protection a believer has in Christ regardless of what's seen happening in the world. In a spiritual hedge of protection found only in Christ who walk with Him daily - who are maturing spiritually to not only become the light of Christ in the world, but be God's wisdom, and power, in a faith of divine insight and God's favor.