If Ears Could Hear!
A Child In Need Of Hope! Traci VanSumeren & Patricia Maier

Coffee, Tea, or Crayon?


In this blog I would like to feature a dear friend of mine in showing a beauty that inspires and has fun!
For many things are happening for Nsoko, the carepoint I support in Swaziland, Africa. One special thing is being done with the help of my friend, Jewel Van Valin, an Los Angeles based Flight Attendant.

Jewel is one of Delta’s featured people in July's issue of "Sky Magazine” on board every flight. A few years ago, Jewel started something amazing during her flights to Hawaii from LA. Passengers flying in the difficult days after Sept. 11 were anxious and irritable because of tightened security and fewer flight amenities. The Delta Air Lines flight attendant wanted to do something about it.
Jewel 2 So Jewel reached back to an earlier time — her kindergarten years — and pulled out the Crayons. She had her passengers draw a picture during flight to reduce stress, and engage them in a little fun. What Jewel did not know is how much people would love it. So she decided to do the "Plane Art" on ALL her trips from then on.

"I just put the mats on their trays and threw a crayon down, and the passengers immediately got it," she said.

Jewel 3 Toward the end of each flight, Jewel and other crew members tape passengers' drawings to the aircraft's bulkhead so everyone on board can see them. She also maintains a revolving display of the pictures in Delta's employee lounge at Los Angeles International Airport. But she's still trying to find a permanent home for the artwork there.
A few weeks ago, Delta staffers staged a guerrilla gallery in the terminal's corridors, posting passenger drawings on walls and support columns between Gates 56 and 59 in LAX. They took down the unauthorized artwork at day's end, however, so it would not be confiscated and destroyed by airport officials.

Travelers' reactions to the impromptu show was enthusiastic. The sketches helped brighten the attitudes of passepassengers love herngers soured by "the hassles of going through security," said Ken Gomez, a flight-attendant manager for the airline.

Needless to say when good things travel fast it applies to the word too. For when word got out in what Jewel had been doing, next thing she knew she was being featured in newspapers and magazines, and invited on talk shows. Launching her artwork to airborne status!

It wouldn't be until my recent trip to Africa however, that a great idea for Jewels Art to help the orphans of Nsoko would come to me. For Jewel had always wanted to go to Africa with my husband and I, but found it hard being based in LA to hold a trip. So when I got back I contacted Jewel, and she then connected me to her Art manager, Ken Gomez. Who happens to be an AIDS Foundation Board Member and has a passion to help kids in Africa.

Long story short, Jewel, Ken, and I, will be creating a contest for passengers on Jewels flights. In having them draw a picture knowing it could be chosen to help countless orphans in Nsoko. The top five pictures will be picked by Ken and Jewel, then sent to Delta Corporate in Atlanta. Then Delta’s CEO, Richard Anderson will choose the winning picture that will then be auctioned off on eBay. People from around the world can participate, with proceeds going to the orphans in Nsoko.
Now how amazing is that?

And not only that, I would like to see Jewel's idea implemented on EVERY Domestic and International Flight. For why should Hawaii passengers get all the FUN?

Delta So be watching, for the next time you fly the amazing Sky's with Delta. You will still have to keep your seat in an upright position at take-off, and stow your things under your seat or in the overhead bin. But once you get airborne and the fasten seat-belt sign turns off, ONE special Flight Attendant will then happily move about the cabin handing out paper and crayons so you can draw!

I encourage you to watch the video of Jewel, for she is one inspirational beautiful person, and I just love her for being our Delta's “Sky Angel” of FUN!.

Photo’s curtesy of Ricky Mia Photography at www.rickymia.com
