The Death Of Moses: Part 3
How Jesus Must Feel Right Now?

Remembering Why We Celebrate July 4th


On July 4th, I want to urge Americans to remember the honor which God has given them. To live within a nation founded upon the gospel of hope and peace, that has made it into one of the greatest empires that had ever existed on earth. Established not by wit or political gain, but by Christian faith, hope, and the most powerful source of all - LOVE.

For the LOVE for God and fellow man. For it is LOVES ultimate power that has changed the world over time. Causing kingdoms to fall by lack of it, while others were established because of it, in all. Looking back on the scope of the world’s history; upon the stages of human existence that even still today, we can see how the power of LOVE continues to reign as freedom sings. For its influence and power can NEVER be extinguished because its source comes only from God.

Moreover, because it does, only a few who would embody this Divine power from a broken heart would ever rise up to hold the position of honor in a leadership within the ranks of the American Presidency. Three men God would choose whose hearts were touched and molded by their makers Hand. Men who were once broken, and lost, that God would then empower and use to establish a great nation based on the worship of God's Sovereign Grace. Which would one-day unite its people under a democracy of freedom not many would experience in this world.

Therefore, I encourage each American today, within the power of Divine LOVE and its affects upon human life to not take your position in this NATION for granted. For it was only because of an open heart towards God that America had been established. Kingdoms and leaders of power had come and gone throughout the stages of human existence but only those with the ability to LOVE and to give it freely would ever remain.

With America God's Divine presence is it's Humanitarian platform to give hope and life where there is none. This ability stands as our testimony and unmatched by any other nation within the world. To give hope is life and it's power had encouraged the French long ago, to create a statue that would represent America's true power within the world, the statue of LIBERTY.

May we pray that God centers our nation in His love once again, and to boldly affirm the things most important in life which is true Christian faith, and the freedom to then live it. May we pray God removes all vanity and pride, and allow only compassion and mercy to shine forth in the power of God’s amazing grace throughout our land. Then let our American love shine forth, as it always has, to boldly eliminate human suffering around our world starting here at home. Creating ways for compassion and hope to flood into those regions of pain to then meet their needs with LOVE.

For America is God’s vessel of Divine influence which consists of the broken ones of our world whom God has gathered in to Himself to heal. Forming a nation that God could then do great things through during this time in our human history.

He does so by way of the human heart, for it is only the things of the heart that truly matter in life. For that truth, Americans today have become God’s heartbeat within the world in a cause that embeds mercy, and the need to extend true LOVE. In a FAITH that embraces its hope and power.

For Jesus is the champion of life who had laid down His life for those who will embrace His purpose on earth with an open heart. “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before hand that we should walk in them”. (Ephesians 2:10).

May this day Americans remember their position, and that we are God's Divine Ambassadors who via the power of LOVE, can change the world into a better place by touching to love one person at a time.

From my heart to yours,

